Corporate governance
Managing value on behalf of others demands a high level of integrity, trust and not least observance. At Northern Horizon, we are dedicated to good corporate governance and respect of human rights in our asset management, in our activities and in our reporting.

Our governance practice
We aim for transparency and good governance practice. A key component in ensuring the highest standards of business conduct, is our Code of Conduct that applies to all employees groupwide.
Another key component is the anti-corruption policy that also applies to partners acting on behalf of Northern Horizon. The policy states Northern Horizon's zero tolerance to corruption.
We also have specific policies concerning conflicts of interest, anti-money laundering, risk management, customer due diligence, data protection and inside information.

We are committed to strive for sustainability
At Northern Horizon we are committed to strive for sustainability at all levels of our operations. Northern Horizon is a member of INREV, SIPA and GRESB, as well as a signatory of the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment.
From May 2021, Northern Horizon’s funds were labeled as Article 8 under SFDR.

Remuneration policy
Our remuneration policy reflects the objectives for good corporate governance, sustained and long- term value creation for investors and shareholders of the Northern Horizon, as well as the sustainability objectives.
According to the policy, when assessing individual performance of an identified staff member and all other employees, financial as well as non-financial criteria - such as ESG criteria - shall be taken into account.
We only invest in properties if we see a steady income stream and a good chance of a medium-term capital gain
We actively focus on minimizing and managing any potential
downside risks while protecting the full upside potential
We will refuse any investment opportunity which challenges our integrity or conflicts with our values
Each property is assessed upon acquisition and annually by independent valuators
We integrate ESG factors into our investment decisions and operational processes
Reporting is made in accordance with INREV Reporting Guidelines

Corporate Responsibility Committee
Employees at Northern Horizon can report any concerns or suspected misconduct to the Corporate Responsibility Committee. Committee members are the Group General Counsel and the independent member of the Board of Directors.
Voice your concern
We encourage suppliers, consultants and any other third parties involved with Northern Horizon to voice their contentment as well as any concerns of misconduct that they may have.
All reports are handled directly by the Corporate Responsibility Committee.
Voice your concern
All reports are handled directly by the Corporate Responsibility Committee and subject to full confidentiality, protecting your anonymity if so wished.
To file a report, please fill in the form below. If you wish full anonymity, leave the contact fields blank. If you would like to receive feedback, please leave your contact details.
Concern sent
Thank you for sending us your concern. If you would have left leave your contact details one of the Committee members will contact you. Some response time may occur.
Contact us
For more information, please contact: