

Baltic Horizon Fund wins twice in EPRA annual financial reporting awards

Baltic Horizon Fund sweeps two prestigious accolades at the European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA) virtual annual conference 2020. The Fund scored a “Gold Award” for the adoption of EPRA Best Practices Recommendations (BPR) – widely accepted industry standards for the highest level of transparency, comparability and compliance in financial reporting. Baltic Horizon was also awarded a “Most Improved Annual Report Award” for the outstanding improvement in reporting quality and compliance with the Association’s BPR. EPRA assessed the financial statements of 168 European listed real estate as part of its annual award process.


Northern Horizon ranked at the top of the peer group by PRI

On the 30th July 2020 Principles for Responsible Investing (PRI) announced the release of their Assessment and Transparency reports for the 2020 reporting cycle. Northern Horizon achieved A+ rating in the Strategy & Governance module and A rating in the Property module outperforming median peer score in both rating categories. These ratings reflect performance of the entire Northern Horizon Capital group of companies and funds under its management.